Apple iMac Computer Flight Cases

Computer Flight Cases from EPS Flight Cases

EPS Flight Cases provide our customers with a massive of protective computer cases for the very best all-in-one computers in the world.

With extreme durability, heavy duty hardware and high-density foam lining giving these cases there ultimate protection.

Universal All-in-One Computer Flight Cases

Universal All-in-One Computer Flight Cases

Computer Flight Cases

Pro PC Tower Flight Cases by EPS

Pro PC Tower Flight Cases by EPS

2012-11-01 16.58.25-1

Custom Computer Tower Flight Cases

iPad Pro Flight Cases
Samsung Galaxy Tab Hard Cases
Xperia Tablet S Hard Cases
HP Envy Spectre Ultra Book Hard Cases
Asus TF300 Hard Cases
XPS 14 Ultra Book Cases
Mac Book Air 13/15/17″Hard Cases

  • Case Panel Type
    Hexa Board/Laminate Plywood or Light weight Flight Panel that comes in a range of colors.
  • Case Closures
    Heavy Duty Butterfly Latches, Catches, Lift Off Hinges and Hybrid Location adding ultimate damage free protection
  • Extra Outer Support
    Heavy Duty Aluminum Trim with a full Riveted Construction keeping this case safe and strong as a compact unit.
  • Accessibility
    Recessed handles, Brief Cases Style Handles, pull along handle with wheels making this case very easy to maneuver when on the move.
  • Case Interior Protection
    Protective screen interior Panels that is a light weight and removable shelf with a high impact absorbing foam to support your valuable equipment.
  • Accessory Compartment
    With additional storage compartments great for storing all Keyboard, mouse & power cables and other accessories!
  • All-in-one design
    Built for the purpose of protecting your computer equipment. These stunning designs are a unique all in one compact unit made to with hold anything thrown at them.

All In One Computer Cases

Now at EPS Flight Cases your All-in-One Computers can be protected with our amazing new Elite style of hard computer case. With a new innovative design and more compact foam interior this case is built for maximum protection. It has high quality hardware ideal for extensive use and strong but light flight cases panel tough enough for anything to be thrown at it. If you travel a lot you will definitely experience the benefits of having these cases. 


Super light keeping your total weight below 30kg and also with the fact your keeping your computer at it’s original value eventually these cases pay for them selves What more can you ask for. 


Take the opportunity to protect your All-in-One computers with EPS before it’s too late!